swaggyp: Max running in the sand
swaggyp: Max watching the big boys toss a football around at the beach.
swaggyp: Max watching the big boys toss a football around at the beach.
swaggyp: Max watching the big boys toss a football around at the beach.
swaggyp: Sand Mountain
swaggyp: Ok Downward facing dog?
swaggyp: DSC04173
swaggyp: Downward facing dog first attempt
swaggyp: Kirri protecting her new tattoo with a black sock.
swaggyp: KIrri and Max
swaggyp: Claudia's new tattoo at the beach
swaggyp: Kirri and Max
swaggyp: DSC04165
swaggyp: DSC04164
swaggyp: DSC04162
swaggyp: DSC04159
swaggyp: Belly show
swaggyp: DSC04155
swaggyp: DSC04152
swaggyp: DSC04151
swaggyp: DSC04149
swaggyp: DSC04148
swaggyp: DSC04147
swaggyp: DSC04146
swaggyp: DSC04145
swaggyp: DSC04144
swaggyp: Max chasing birds at the beach
swaggyp: Mexican Disaster (Kirri's breakfast treat)
swaggyp: Max having a serious breakfast.