A little Lord Peter after work.
Saturday afternoon
Being indecisive about which to start first.
Too hot for anything except reading and an iced chai latte.
Lunch = burrito, iced tea and fan fic.
Sunday afternoon, finally reading The Raven Boys.
The Jam, The Dream Thieves and tea.
What I'm reading right now.
What I'm reading now
What I'm reading now.
What I'm reading now
What I'm reading now
I've lost my ability to sleep in so I'm spending some time with Miranda.
What I'm reading now.
What I'm reading now.
Reading while this guy rubs his face on my book.
What I'm reading #whatimreading
What I'm reading #whatimreading
What I'm reading #whatimreading
Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving. #whatimreading
Reading with Red.
Good morning #whatimreading
First book purchase of the year #whatimreading
Currently reading #whatimreading
Saturday morning
My current book #whatimreading
Hot toddy and a new book #whatimreading
What I'm reading at the moment. #whatimreading
Day 7. Best book of 2014. #decemberreflections #bluelilylilyblue