¡tasteslikehappy!: A little Lord Peter after work.
¡tasteslikehappy!: Saturday afternoon
¡tasteslikehappy!: Being indecisive about which to start first.
¡tasteslikehappy!: Too hot for anything except reading and an iced chai latte.
¡tasteslikehappy!: Lunch = burrito, iced tea and fan fic.
¡tasteslikehappy!: Sunday afternoon, finally reading The Raven Boys.
¡tasteslikehappy!: The Jam, The Dream Thieves and tea.
¡tasteslikehappy!: What I'm reading right now.
¡tasteslikehappy!: What I'm reading now
¡tasteslikehappy!: What I'm reading now.
¡tasteslikehappy!: What I'm reading now
¡tasteslikehappy!: What I'm reading now
¡tasteslikehappy!: I've lost my ability to sleep in so I'm spending some time with Miranda.
¡tasteslikehappy!: What I'm reading now.
¡tasteslikehappy!: What I'm reading now.
¡tasteslikehappy!: Reading while this guy rubs his face on my book.
¡tasteslikehappy!: What I'm reading #whatimreading
¡tasteslikehappy!: What I'm reading #whatimreading
¡tasteslikehappy!: What I'm reading #whatimreading
¡tasteslikehappy!: Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving. #whatimreading
¡tasteslikehappy!: Reading with Red.
¡tasteslikehappy!: Good morning #whatimreading
¡tasteslikehappy!: First book purchase of the year #whatimreading
¡tasteslikehappy!: Currently reading #whatimreading
¡tasteslikehappy!: Saturday morning
¡tasteslikehappy!: My current book #whatimreading
¡tasteslikehappy!: Hot toddy and a new book #whatimreading
¡tasteslikehappy!: What I'm reading at the moment. #whatimreading
¡tasteslikehappy!: Day 7. Best book of 2014. #decemberreflections #bluelilylilyblue
¡tasteslikehappy!: #whatimreading