[1/365] New Year's Donuts
[2/365] birds with nest
[3/365] outgoing
[4/365] reading
[5/365]organizing my polish
[6/365] new glasses from Anthropologie
[8/365] dinner with Eric 1/8/10
[9/365] sunset 1/9/10
[10/365] outgoing
[11/365] granny squares at lunch
[12/365] driving home from grocery shopping
[13/365] I'm sick :(
[14/365] Christmas lights
[15/365] cranberry juice and blackberry brandy
[16/365] first embroidery I've finished this year
[17/365] Neo
[18/365] sunrise
[19/365] red or green?
[20/365] too much perfume
[21/365] some of the Trixies
[24/365] cards and dessert
[23/365] bubble bath
[24/365] testing some new pens
[25/365] making refried beans
[26/365] shopping
[27/365] RSVP mailing #1
[28/365] snow
[29/365] full moon
[30/365] organizing the floss