¡tasteslikehappy!: Enoki and Tyrone
¡tasteslikehappy!: Saffy, up close
¡tasteslikehappy!: Saffron 5-15-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Upside down Saffy 5-12-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Chuck! 5-12-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: sleeping Saffy
¡tasteslikehappy!: Chuck 5-15-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Chuck Kneading 5-15-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Chuck again 5-15-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Chuck and her mask 5-16-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Twisted Saffy 5-27-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: watching a bird outside 5-27-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Suspicious kitties 5-27-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Saffy pretending she doesn't care about birds 5-27-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Saffy ready to eat birds 5-27-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Saffy watching brids 5-27-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Chuck yelling at me 5-21-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Chuck watching the fish 5-21-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Mean Chuck 5-18-05
¡tasteslikehappy!: Saffy Baby 5-12-05