ludde08: 0252
ludde08: thanks god its friday
ludde08: 1880 Utbränd på jobbet
ludde08: 1068
ludde08: Stockholm 2012.01.29/minus 2 degrees
ludde08: I just have to remember
ludde08: Generations / Stockholm subway
ludde08: I can't stop listening
ludde08: Stockholm 2010
ludde08: DSCF2739
ludde08: The wall
ludde08: Stockholm subway!
ludde08: Stockholm subway
ludde08: My smartphone!
ludde08: DSCF5517
ludde08: Part of Stockholm city!
ludde08: He called himself "Mike Muse
ludde08: I'm so tired!
ludde08: DSCF4179
ludde08: DSCF4173
ludde08: DSCF6336
ludde08: DSCF3884
ludde08: DSCF2502
ludde08: DSCF4378
ludde08: DSCF4382
ludde08: IMG_4354
ludde08: IMG_1257
ludde08: P6011183 a sv
ludde08: DSCF1808
ludde08: IMG_0423