Traveling together:
The train driver and his colleague
Traveling together:
Sky Lanterns on the Pingxi Railway
Traveling together:
Train pass
Traveling together:
Traveling together:
A life of hard work
Traveling together:
Sven & Fida in de mijnen
Traveling together:
Houtong, also know as; Cat village
Traveling together:
Whaaa overal lenzen
Traveling together:
Guang-Hua Electronica mall
Traveling together:
In Lukang is a Lantern shop where they paint the lanterns by hand.
Traveling together:
Buffet on the streets in Lukang
Traveling together:
Butou Street
Traveling together:
Historical house in Butou street, Lukang
Traveling together:
Woman fitness in Lukang
Traveling together:
Matsu Temple Lukang
Traveling together:
Alishan 'Disneyland' National park
Traveling together:
Boardwalk in Alishan National Park
Traveling together:
Twisted roots
Traveling together:
Fresh Butterfly
Traveling together:
Grashopper in Fenqihu
Traveling together:
Wild Dalia in Fenqihu
Traveling together:
Little shop in Chiayi
Traveling together:
Chiayi Night Market
Traveling together:
Good luck wishes
Traveling together:
Matsu Gate
Traveling together:
Matsu Ceilings
Traveling together:
Matsu Temple
Traveling together:
Tait & Co. Merchant House
Traveling together:
Tait & Co. Merchant House
Traveling together:
Wrapped in roots of the Banyan tree