SVdWH: Front porch
SVdWH: My room was separated from the others. I was free to think.
SVdWH: On the plane we would gather in the barn when the sun was unusually bright
SVdWH: The tank was underground. The problem was checking how much gas was left. Digging up the tank was chore.
SVdWH: Original Work
SVdWH: "Anatomy of a Scarecrow"
SVdWH: Not a good place to store your jar of honey. Maybe nails though.
SVdWH: More detail of lead core
SVdWH: Lead Core
SVdWH: Compressed material with material compressor
SVdWH: Centered - Guts or recusive "My ileum is connected to my jejenum twice."
SVdWH: Guts or recusive "My ileum is connected to my jejenum twice."
SVdWH: Oddly painful, though as is often the case, unitentionally so.
SVdWH: Diamond Anvil
SVdWH: Upside down, upside down, carrot planter. No that doesn't make it right side up.
SVdWH: "Tuberous formation"