swepett: Rebuilding the opera house entrance
swepett: Surround Decca Tree
swepett: Surround Decca Tree
swepett: Production meeting
swepett: From the stage looking outwards
swepett: Nicolas and his assistant captures the ambiance in the foyer
swepett: Shooting inside
swepett: Shooting inside
swepett: Extras
swepett: Rebuilt entrance
swepett: Rebuilt entrance
swepett: Rebuilt entrance
swepett: Night scene outside
swepett: Big ass lamp
swepett: Foyer
swepett: Big chunks of molton
swepett: Securing the molton on the roof
swepett: More darkness
swepett: Outside
swepett: Creating darkness
swepett: The main auditorium
swepett: Film crew at work