SVA MFA IxD: Prepping in the theatre
SVA MFA IxD: System Admin, Frank Bonomo, running through presentations
SVA MFA IxD: Preparing with chair Liz Danzico
SVA MFA IxD: Preparing in the theatre
SVA MFA IxD: Cooper Smith
SVA MFA IxD: Liz Danzico
SVA MFA IxD: Michael Yap
SVA MFA IxD: View from the panel discussion stage
SVA MFA IxD: Faculty Paul Pangaro, with student & volunteer Tom Harman
SVA MFA IxD: Name badges at check-in
SVA MFA IxD: Opening remarks
SVA MFA IxD: Opening remarks
SVA MFA IxD: Opening remarks
SVA MFA IxD: Alum Clint Beharry delivering his keynote speech
SVA MFA IxD: Michael Yap, presenting Memento Mori
SVA MFA IxD: Benjamin Gadbaw, presenting TripleTake
SVA MFA IxD: Benjamin Gadbaw, presenting TripleTake
SVA MFA IxD: Carrie Stiens, presenting SPOKED
SVA MFA IxD: Kristin Breivik, presenting SPOKED
SVA MFA IxD: Catherine Young, presenting The Perceptionalist
SVA MFA IxD: Catherine Young, hugging Tony Chu, presenting The Perceptionalist
SVA MFA IxD: The audience hugs during Catherine Young's presentation of The Perceptionalist
SVA MFA IxD: The audience hugs during Catherine Young's presentation of The Perceptionalist
SVA MFA IxD: The audience hugs during Catherine Young's presentation of The Perceptionalist
SVA MFA IxD: Panel discussion with Catherine Young, Michael Yap, Kristin Breivik, and Carrie Stiens
SVA MFA IxD: Panel discussion with Kristin Breivik, Carrie Stiens, Benjamin Gadbaw, and moderator Clint Beharry
SVA MFA IxD: Alum Katie Koch delivering her keynote speech
SVA MFA IxD: Allison Shaw, presenting Scrit Scrit
SVA MFA IxD: Tina Ye, presenting Hotpot