DigitalCellulose: Group of book models - in progress. Fall 2007.
DigitalCellulose: Rounding and backing awesomeness.
DigitalCellulose: Bradel Case (Built-in Groove) Closed
DigitalCellulose: You've come a long way, baby...
DigitalCellulose: Book with bells and fish vertebrae
DigitalCellulose: "The Building of a Book"
DigitalCellulose: Three longstitch models
DigitalCellulose: Sewing frame.
DigitalCellulose: Sewing on cords using a sewing frame.
DigitalCellulose: Old bookbinding: High School
DigitalCellulose: Old bookbinding: High School
DigitalCellulose: Old bookbinding: High School
DigitalCellulose: German staple binding with mylar window on the spine
DigitalCellulose: Argyle Journals #2
DigitalCellulose: Argyle Journals #1