suzy in blue: milan lunch
suzy in blue: lunch time at the train station
suzy in blue: milan train station
suzy in blue: o the train
suzy in blue: through the window
suzy in blue: from the train
suzy in blue: monterosso
suzy in blue: sea at night time
suzy in blue: chilling in monterosso
suzy in blue: photo op
suzy in blue: kitty!
suzy in blue: outside our apartment
suzy in blue: old town in monterosso
suzy in blue: churches
suzy in blue: breakfast
suzy in blue: lemons!
suzy in blue: lemoncino
suzy in blue: we decided it would be too bulky to take back
suzy in blue: summer photo op
suzy in blue: laundry day
suzy in blue: olive groves
suzy in blue: agave fruit
suzy in blue: vernazza
suzy in blue: olive groves