Suzie B 13:
North Point
Suzie B 13:
Harlequin Duck
Suzie B 13:
Suzie B 13:
Bufflehead female
Suzie B 13:
Suzie B 13:
Suzie B 13:
Rear View
Suzie B 13:
In Comming
Suzie B 13:
Bufflehead male
Suzie B 13:
Greater Lesser Scaup
Suzie B 13:
Harlequin male
Suzie B 13:
Red-breasted Merganser male
Suzie B 13:
Fly By
Suzie B 13:
Suzie B 13:
Suzie B 13:
Female Cardinal
Suzie B 13:
Junco, Slate-colored
Suzie B 13:
Cooper's Hawk
Suzie B 13:
Cardinal pair
Suzie B 13:
Male cardinal on ground
Suzie B 13:
White-breasted Nuthatch
Suzie B 13:
A seed in the bill = joy
Suzie B 13:
Going for the seed
Suzie B 13:
Cavity Visitor
Suzie B 13:
Peanut Thief
Suzie B 13:
Canada Geese Takeoff
Suzie B 13:
Bufflehead flight
Suzie B 13:
Incomming Ring-billed Gull
Suzie B 13:
Right Light
Suzie B 13:
Long-tailed Duck