Suzie B 13: Song Sparrow
Suzie B 13: Chipping Sparrow
Suzie B 13: Downey
Suzie B 13: Kestrel in flight
Suzie B 13: Belly High
Suzie B 13: Mallard Pair
Suzie B 13: Pair-a-ducks
Suzie B 13: Glide Path
Suzie B 13: Canada tending nest
Suzie B 13: Canada pair at nerst
Suzie B 13: Odd Couple
Suzie B 13: 3's Company
Suzie B 13: Rope Sitter
Suzie B 13: Happy Couple
Suzie B 13: Stroll on the beach
Suzie B 13: American Bittern
Suzie B 13: American Bittern
Suzie B 13: Fly By
Suzie B 13: Sign of Spring
Suzie B 13: Movin' Out
Suzie B 13: Turkey Hen
Suzie B 13: Turkey Strutt
Suzie B 13: Mute Swan
Suzie B 13: Sanderling
Suzie B 13: Semipalmated Plover
Suzie B 13: Starling
Suzie B 13: Tree Swallow spring
Suzie B 13: King of the hill
Suzie B 13: Back View