suzannepepin: 21/365 for the eyes, for the lips
suzannepepin: 22/365 Diana
suzannepepin: 23/365 love
suzannepepin: 19/365 small ones, big ones
suzannepepin: 18/365 sixty-six
suzannepepin: 17/365 because
suzannepepin: 16/365 relax and nourish your soul
suzannepepin: 15/365 creation under construction
suzannepepin: 14/365 she was...
suzannepepin: 13/365 water please
suzannepepin: 12/365 20th street painting festival, Lake Worth, Florida
suzannepepin: 11/365 Wellington horses show, Florida
suzannepepin: 10/365 celine
suzannepepin: 9/365 we can do it together
suzannepepin: 8/365 elles gouteront le soleil
suzannepepin: 7/365 give me a moment here
suzannepepin: 5/365 Listen, acknoledge and share
suzannepepin: 20/365 how many?
suzannepepin: 2/365 Sur mesure
suzannepepin: 24/365 Sweetness of the moment
suzannepepin: 25/365 .50$ each? This is a crime, a real crime...
suzannepepin: 27/365 waiting for you honey
suzannepepin: 28/365 Go
suzannepepin: 29/365 on the healthy side of things
suzannepepin: 31/365 the winner in your hearth
suzannepepin: 32/365 pharmacy cabinet