suzannelong: Fun with old photos
suzannelong: birk bling luv, in the 'hood.
suzannelong: Reasons to love Toronto
suzannelong: Electrical trumps duct
suzannelong: A little Narnian
suzannelong: From my daily latte walk of shame
suzannelong: Always late lunch, here in the 'hood
suzannelong: One, two, three...
suzannelong: Points if you can identify this car.
suzannelong: Chanukah on the hood
suzannelong: Treats!
suzannelong: Peace in the 'hood
suzannelong: Earth Hour, patio heaters. On.
suzannelong: Spring bling in the 'hood
suzannelong: Margherita Crystal
suzannelong: aka the Slamming Door Diner
suzannelong: Grumman
suzannelong: October beauty
suzannelong: Not in Narnia anymore [Before]
suzannelong: Matchy-matchy Fifi winter bling
suzannelong: Matched pair
suzannelong: B&W camouflage
suzannelong: Cedarvale Nordic Track, with a view too
suzannelong: Cedarvale Nordic Track, with a view
suzannelong: Cubed Mustang ('66, to be exact)
suzannelong: Two-stroke tools of the trade
suzannelong: Hot or not? (aka bagel usability)
suzannelong: Lallie is in the building
suzannelong: Honest intent
suzannelong: OH : She's a penthouse girl!