ninakatz: You could hear this one rolling in from a long way off
ninakatz: Blurry Takeoff
ninakatz: Patrick peeking into the sky
ninakatz: Me peeking into the sky
ninakatz: Obscured
ninakatz: The shuttle Discovery taking off from the cape
ninakatz: You know... it had to be taken
ninakatz: Yipes!
ninakatz: Lombard Street
ninakatz: My college housemate and I
ninakatz: Big Tree
ninakatz: Some studies
ninakatz: Grouping two
ninakatz: Grouping one
ninakatz: My mailing list sign up book and some work
ninakatz: A member of the local press and I
ninakatz: My Friend Erin and I
ninakatz: My Studio at Capacity
ninakatz: The gallery crowd
ninakatz: Some of the local artists
ninakatz: A peek at the exhibition
ninakatz: Finally done hanging!! For now.
ninakatz: The opposite wall
ninakatz: The back of the gallery (my space)
ninakatz: Smudge as a kitten
ninakatz: Smudge Snoozing
ninakatz: Smudge in the garden - 1989-2006
ninakatz: Walking in Ernesto
ninakatz: A Single Drop of Ernesto
ninakatz: A Few Little Gusts