Suzanne Dugal (in memory of):
Suzanne Dugal (in memory of):
À la fenêtre...
Suzanne Dugal (in memory of):
Il pleut...
Suzanne Dugal (in memory of):
La douce odeur du lilac...
Suzanne Dugal (in memory of):
H.B.W. :-)
Suzanne Dugal (in memory of):
Like a whisper...
Suzanne Dugal (in memory of):
Happy mother's day :-)
Suzanne Dugal (in memory of):
Suzanne Dugal (in memory of):
Nature's fashion show :-)
Suzanne Dugal (in memory of):
The colors of my soul...
Suzanne Dugal (in memory of):
L'amour est bleu :-)
Suzanne Dugal (in memory of):
Baie du Fèvre
Suzanne Dugal (in memory of):
Nu.3 sur 5