Suzaidee: Happy New Year 2014
Suzaidee: Auni
Suzaidee: Another one for my #365grateful project... My grandma, aunt and Ira... Love you guys :)
Suzaidee: This is for today my #365grateful ... Love you guys :)
Suzaidee: Dalya
Suzaidee: With Love
Suzaidee: My #365grateful for today... I embrace learning new skill. I was scared and have no idea how to create photobook or photo album. Now I even dare to take assignment just for album design and printing :)
Suzaidee: Faiqa Cover
Suzaidee: #365grateful Alhamdulillah... Thank you #Nikon :)
Suzaidee: Enjoying time with both of them #365grateful :)
Suzaidee: Hey #kitty kitty :) #365grateful
Suzaidee: #365grateful she came yesterday and pointing some photos on my refrigerator door. Took one for her and she's happy :)
Suzaidee: Trying to make exercise now as part of our lifestyle :) #365grateful