TatsGill: teach me!
TatsGill: what a little french twist does for a girls posture
TatsGill: croozin
TatsGill: the fun continues
TatsGill: sooo happy its cocktail hour
TatsGill: motown filly
TatsGill: totally stacked
TatsGill: gleeeee...and a sort of subdued sardonic humor...
TatsGill: i was trying to capture people ogling this but they moved...
TatsGill: wow lookit his eyebrows!
TatsGill: its a tongue!
TatsGill: its a book!
TatsGill: gottamn
TatsGill: reading is fun-damental
TatsGill: i took this at a bad angle...
TatsGill: bahahaha
TatsGill: teachers pet
TatsGill: pucker up buttercup
TatsGill: red vine tongue
TatsGill: so thoughtful
TatsGill: FURRY!