Nefi: Cheetahs
Nefi: Cheetahs
Nefi: Cheetahs
Nefi: Walking feather boa
Nefi: Giant feathered umbrella
Nefi: Not in the zoo, but at the zoo
Nefi: Tai Shan
Nefi: Tai Shan
Nefi: Knobbly knees and very long neck
Nefi: Giraffe
Nefi: Baby heffalump with ball
Nefi: Heffalumps
Nefi: The parkway
Nefi: Cheetahs
Nefi: Giant rat... er, capybara
Nefi: Hippo
Nefi: Otter having a stand up
Nefi: Otter having a sit down
Nefi: Robert having a sit down
Nefi: Beaver and ducks
Nefi: Beaver swimming
Nefi: Wise Robert
Nefi: Sleepy Robert
Nefi: Inscrutable Robert
Nefi: Beaver
Nefi: Beaver
Nefi: Robert blending in
Nefi: Robert the Bobcat
Nefi: Otter
Nefi: Otter doing ottery things