Suviko: Salla studying the menu
Suviko: Cinthia the diplomat
Suviko: Salla, Ropecon's information officer
Suviko: Rpg theory in practise panel
Suviko: Rum or wine?
Suviko: Three amigas
Suviko: DSC_7782
Suviko: Patricia's baby shower
Suviko: Salla drinking her shake
Suviko: Peanut loves Salla
Suviko: Salla with chai latte & doughnut
Suviko: Salla ja kakku
Suviko: Salla straightening her moustache
Suviko: Salla playing Wii Fit
Suviko: Handing the keys
Suviko: And I bring you: fire!