MegaFood Photos: Superintendant has a go!
MegaFood Photos: Bike-powered Blender
MegaFood Photos: Hard work!
MegaFood Photos: Smoothie Bike
MegaFood Photos: Whole food smoothie in the making
davidsilver: david weinrib's "the farm," an undated story sculpture (a barn!) about the farm at black mountain college
Rock The Bike: Shredder stretches it out
Rock The Bike: Upside down
dima barsky: In Season
axmai: Bench
axmai: Taking a hit of the cheddar and parsley biscuits
Rock The Bike: MC Rai and Morgan busting late in the evening at Stone Soup. The sound at this point was about 80% from the house and 20% from El Arbol.
jpilius: montreux reflections
jpilius: perfect frame
Wilson at Rock The Bike: Pedal to Pedal Powered Events
USF Garden Project: Weed Finding
USF Garden Project: Brittany posing
davidsilver: summer RA bobby groves' photo of summer RA lizzie roeble harvesting collards, kale, beets, carrots, green onions, rhubarb, rutabagas, mint, rosemary, and more in @USFgarden for booker t. washington's food pantry is the featured photo on USF connect
Rock The Bike: Justin converted his Mundo 500 to an electric cargo chopper.
skycarrots: I think a mouse planted this one :)
Vilseskogen: tomato, basil, mozzarella salad
USFgarden: The Last Supper
DolceDanielle: Corfu, Greece
leifcycle: New sticky belts and v-groove HDPE pulleys worked great
leifcycle: easy to pedal, even in a dress