thesustainabletable: Phyllis Willis
thesustainabletable: An interview with Sara
thesustainabletable: Dawn with a baby pig!
thesustainabletable: Fun on the ranch
thesustainabletable: More fun on the ranch
thesustainabletable: Stop Factory Farms
thesustainabletable: Paul and Diane
thesustainabletable: It's beautiful out here
thesustainabletable: Happy Pigs at Sunset
thesustainabletable: Walking out to find the piglets
thesustainabletable: Feeding the pigs
thesustainabletable: Here they come
thesustainabletable: Simran enjoying the ranch
thesustainabletable: Animal Welfare Approved
thesustainabletable: Paul coming to greet us
thesustainabletable: Everyone at the Willis'
thesustainabletable: willis ranch
thesustainabletable: paul and his hay
thesustainabletable: is something following me
thesustainabletable: hoop houses
thesustainabletable: sunset on the ranch
thesustainabletable: hogs at sundown
thesustainabletable: little ones