Sustainable Brands: Greg Unruh, Seated
Sustainable Brands: Annie Longsworth - partial
Sustainable Brands: Eric, Unilever, Plenary
Sustainable Brands: Alexis Olans, adidas - 2
Sustainable Brands: Lisa Bennet, DDB West
Sustainable Brands: Alison Presley, Travelocity, w/SB logo, no slides
Sustainable Brands: Alison Presley, Travelocity, with Slides
Sustainable Brands: Raphael Bemporad, BBMG
Sustainable Brands: Rocco Papaglia, PepsiCo
Sustainable Brands: Heather Scott, NestlePurina
Sustainable Brands: Dave Cobban, Nike, 'meaningful shift slide'
Sustainable Brands: Dave Cobban, Nike
Sustainable Brands: wastepaper girl by sponsor signs
Sustainable Brands: dear me, what to attend!?
Sustainable Brands: Creating a Shareable Future: Neal Gorenflo, Daimler & Co.
Sustainable Brands: John Viera, and ??? Closing the Loop Recycling
Sustainable Brands: Tatyana, Bree, Brian, attentive breakout participants
Sustainable Brands: Emily Cichy, Disney (???)
Sustainable Brands: Ephi Bananyal, SAP speaking, Dell laptop, slide behind
Sustainable Brands: Built bikes by stage, member logo in background
Sustainable Brands: Kids get bikes
Sustainable Brands: Marianne gives Jerry the bike