THE WANDERING PLASTA: This is how Plasta story started. Very simple: one day she was there, the next day she was not... aurrevoir les amis!
THE WANDERING PLASTA: And it followed somehow like this: with our Plasta just taking a walk around, playing with humans... yehoo!
THE WANDERING PLASTA: Then she moved a little bit further, and visited a neighboring skate yard... kind of fun!
THE WANDERING PLASTA: She got into an old brick wall placed on the top of a hill, a point with an excellent view over the city... whow!
THE WANDERING PLASTA: She explored abandoned buildings... really boring.
THE WANDERING PLASTA: And she went around the hood; unfortunately the former strip bar Antinea was already closed; too bad.
THE WANDERING PLASTA: Then se moved into the West Park where she discovered animals and trees... interesting.
THE WANDERING PLASTA: And got to the limits of the Park, founding a main road on her way... uphs! what is that for?
THE WANDERING PLASTA: And went even further and further, having to cross the railroad that connected to the South of the country... railroads, trains, what for?
THE WANDERING PLASTA: When hanging around, she got some fun with the tingling of the power lines.. yeuuu!
THE WANDERING PLASTA: And climbed up any single infrastructure that she found on her way to enjoy the sight... Whow, the world was so huge!
THE WANDERING PLASTA: Madrid was becoming too small for her. She felt the mood for something new. She needed to breath fresher air, to step into greener fields... She stopped and thought for a while; for a very long while indeed. And she took a decision: she had to go...
THE WANDERING PLASTA: And she did it: next morning she left the city on a van...
THE WANDERING PLASTA: Then she got on a small motorbike... go, go, go...
THE WANDERING PLASTA: Later, a local train...
THE WANDERING PLASTA: A long-distance train...
THE WANDERING PLASTA: She also got some car rides for free...
THE WANDERING PLASTA: And used the electricity network to spread all over the country.
THE WANDERING PLASTA: In a couple of months the Plasta would be sighted everywhere:
THE WANDERING PLASTA: From the downtown of Spain main cities...
THE WANDERING PLASTA: to their outskirts...
THE WANDERING PLASTA: rural populations,
THE WANDERING PLASTA: and family households.
THE WANDERING PLASTA: From desolated high planes...
THE WANDERING PLASTA: to depressed regions...
THE WANDERING PLASTA: and over populated coastal areas.
THE WANDERING PLASTA: Getting sometimes lost in their way.
THE WANDERING PLASTA: Taking a rest when needed.
THE WANDERING PLASTA: And proffiting the shadow of the trees at noon.