Sue Osborn: Trailhead starts at a
Sue Osborn: Overall view of stabl
Sue Osborn: First part of trail w
Sue Osborn: Checking signpost aga
Sue Osborn: Oh, look there is tha
Sue Osborn: Habitat Water Source
Sue Osborn: Do you see the goldfish?
Sue Osborn: Sign telling us what
Sue Osborn: Poison oak looks pretty.
Sue Osborn: Wild Iris; these too
Sue Osborn: More wildflowers set
Sue Osborn: This was a rare wildf
Sue Osborn: The wild Irises came
Sue Osborn: More Irises, more col
Sue Osborn: Another rare wildflow
Sue Osborn: Tree fungus always ma
Sue Osborn: Checking yet another
Sue Osborn: Which way to go? We w
Sue Osborn: We found a hillside o
Sue Osborn: This warm sunny spot
Sue Osborn: Robert enjoys his lun
Sue Osborn: Tiny flowers against
Sue Osborn: Dancing white jewels
Sue Osborn: A jungle of leafy gre
Sue Osborn: This unique flower wa
Sue Osborn: Cows? All we saw were
Sue Osborn: End of hike brings us
Sue Osborn: These were absolutely
Sue Osborn: Vetch, another common
Sue Osborn: The end of the trail