Ella, 11" and Bailey, 18" ball jointed dolls by Meadowdolls. Bailey is on preorder 15th Jan to 18th Feb 2018 at Meadowdolls.com, with Ella on preorder soon after.
Ella, 11" and Bailey, 18" ball jointed dolls by Meadowdolls. Bailey is on preorder 15th Jan to 18th Feb 2018 at Meadowdolls.com, with Ella on preorder soon after.
L to R, Giggi, Ella and Patti, all 11" dumpling ball jointed dolls, by Meadowdolls. Ella is on preorder now until the 25th March 2018 at Meadowdolls.com
Ella, 11" dumpling ball jointed doll by Meadowdolls in an outfit by Alena Hale Glen. Ella's pre-order on now until 25th March 2018 at Meadowdolls.com
Ella, 11" ball jointed doll by Meadowdolls, on preorder now until the 25th arch 2018 at Meadowdolls.com
Ella, 11" ball jointed doll by Meadowdolls, on preorder now until the 25th arch 2018 at Meadowdolls.com