[Suse]: badass burmese
[Suse]: badass burmese
[Suse]: upside down chin scratches
[Suse]: Yuki, our beautiful chocolate Burmese
[Suse]: Yuki the badcat poses charmingly
[Suse]: yep, he's more relaxed these days
[Suse]: what's that on my left?
[Suse]: what's that on my right?
[Suse]: looking a bit mean, but being placid for now
[Suse]: resting
[Suse]: ever watchful
[Suse]: content
[Suse]: nose under paw
[Suse]: curled up
[Suse]: the badcat in the sunlight
[Suse]: boy and beast
[Suse]: the boy and his beast
[Suse]: cuddles with the cat
[Suse]: favourite spot behind the wood stove
[Suse]: conked out
[Suse]: fast asleep by the fire
[Suse]: Nana Nap
[Suse]: Morning sun on chocolate Burmese
[Suse]: Yuki supervises the loaner rabbit. From a safe distance.
[Suse]: It is very very hot today so I will lie on a fluffy blanket
[Suse]: Camouflage kitty
[Suse]: Look at the camera!
[Suse]: Paw on each knee
[Suse]: Afternoon snooze
[Suse]: Early morning kitkat