susarto: highwire gallery
susarto: 3rd street gallery
susarto: 3rd street gallery on 2nd street
susarto: frock
susarto: eric's work
susarto: "the burbs"
susarto: nicole's and my work (mine's in the middle)
susarto: my work
susarto: my work
susarto: my work
susarto: my new piece "sanctuary"
susarto: my work
susarto: setting up
susarto: eric's work
susarto: my work
susarto: melanie's work
susarto: melanie's work
susarto: nicole's work
susarto: my tiny paintings
susarto: setting up
susarto: highwire show in june!
susarto: the plastic club
susarto: the plastic club
susarto: the plastic club
susarto: the plastic club (downstairs)
susarto: the plastic club
susarto: the plastic club (upstairs)
susarto: the plastic club
susarto: upstairs at the plastic club
susarto: highwire gallery