Susannelein: Welcome to the Centennial Exhibit, Church of God General Assembly 2006
Susannelein: Learning about the publishing house
Susannelein: We draw crowds
Susannelein: A Centennial of Assemblies
Susannelein: The end of the first one hundred years
Susannelein: The 60s and 70s
Susannelein: The 20s, 30s, and 40s
Susannelein: World Events, or, my baby
Susannelein: The First Assembly Minutes
Susannelein: Preserving the First Assembly Minutes
Susannelein: Mystery, the Mother of Harlots
Susannelein: Black MInistries material
Susannelein: Seeing into the exhibit
Susannelein: Pulpit from the Assembly Auditorium
Susannelein: Assembly programs
Susannelein: Teen Talent artifacts
Susannelein: Staff members greet a patron
Susannelein: General Assembly service
Susannelein: RCA Dome with delegates
Susannelein: Delegates like the Colts too :)