SusanCK: Allen
SusanCK: Kelly
SusanCK: Paula
SusanCK: Dude
SusanCK: man and his dog
SusanCK: Paula was trying to shoot a colse up - where is it?
SusanCK: Don't look behind!
SusanCK: Paint Brush. They are just pretty!
SusanCK: "hiking" equipment
SusanCK: Curvy
SusanCK: Accompany
SusanCK: "that's my boy"!
SusanCK: Elegant
SusanCK: DSC_0105
SusanCK: DSC_0297
SusanCK: Allen and Dude in the rocks
SusanCK: They found somthing
SusanCK: Our 'Drive way"!
SusanCK: After I knew this flower is called "paint brush"!
SusanCK: camera and tripot at the edge!
SusanCK: what does it look like??
SusanCK: Old tree and its branches
SusanCK: DSC_0139
SusanCK: Pretty and funny looking wild flower
SusanCK: Mountrain Rainier
SusanCK: DSC_0263
SusanCK: Bell flower
SusanCK: Dude's toungue
SusanCK: Paintbrush