Roger Bunting:
Roger Bunting:
Roger Bunting:
shield bugs
Roger Bunting:
A pair of shield bugs and ...
Roger Bunting:
Is it a shield bug
Roger Bunting:
Doing what comes naturally
Roger Bunting:
ellow/black ladybirds making more
Roger Bunting:
Spider (nursery web)
Roger Bunting:
Ménage à trois
Roger Bunting:
Roger Bunting:
Seeds of grass
Roger Bunting:
Nectar hunter
Roger Bunting:
Piper PA-24-250 Comanche
Roger Bunting:
Rugby field
Roger Bunting:
TUI heading for Donny
Roger Bunting:
Tui overhead
Roger Bunting:
House martin
Roger Bunting:
Roger Bunting:
Roger Bunting:
Flying tonight
Roger Bunting:
Rowan growing in silver birch
Roger Bunting:
Fly - what fly?
Roger Bunting:
The canal looking East from Morse Lock
Roger Bunting:
I've got a hedgehog in my garden!