Susan from Athens: Green leaves, fresh
Susan from Athens: Place the leaves in a bowl
Susan from Athens: Cover the leaves with boiling water
Susan from Athens: Drain well in a colander
Susan from Athens: My recipe book
Susan from Athens: Dill - or so I thought
Susan from Athens: And spring onions
Susan from Athens: Once my dill was all cleared of its stalks
Susan from Athens: Mum helping clean the herbs
Susan from Athens: Fresh spearmint
Susan from Athens: Carolina rice
Susan from Athens: Another detail of the rice
Susan from Athens: Two and a half handfuls of rice
Susan from Athens: Half a kilo of minced beef
Susan from Athens: Mix them up.
Susan from Athens: Spearmint and parsley
Susan from Athens: Don't forget to season
Susan from Athens: Choppping the herbs
Susan from Athens: Spring onions
Susan from Athens: Mix in the green herbs
Susan from Athens: chop the onions fine as well
Susan from Athens: Add the onions too
Susan from Athens: Flash photo
Susan from Athens: The final mixture all together
Susan from Athens: Spread the vine leaves on the table
Susan from Athens: Use broken or hard leaves to line the pan
Susan from Athens: Leaves spread out
Susan from Athens: Place a teaspoonful of meat