Susan from Athens: Castlerigg Stone Circle
Susan from Athens: Castlerigg
Susan from Athens: Lichen on one of the standing stones
Susan from Athens: The pose came out rather heroic
Susan from Athens: Standing stones and angry clouds
Susan from Athens: Castlerigg
Susan from Athens: Mum at Castlerigg
Susan from Athens: The Sanctuary at Castlerigg
Susan from Athens: Long Meg and her Daughters
Susan from Athens: Some of the many stones
Susan from Athens: The Majors and I
Susan from Athens: More of Meg's daughters.
Susan from Athens: One of the bigger standing stones
Susan from Athens: More of the stone circle
Susan from Athens: Long Meg herself
Susan from Athens: Long Meg against the sky
Susan from Athens: Long Meg - can you see the profile
Susan from Athens: Long Meg and her Daughters - the Stone Circle
Susan from Athens: castlerigg 5 -part of the stone circle
Susan from Athens: Hill at Castle Rigg 4