Susan from Athens: blue girl and yellow thing
Susan from Athens: boy with a bleeding heart
Susan from Athens: "are you bored"
Susan from Athens: two figures
Susan from Athens: a BIG afro
Susan from Athens: woman with sack
Susan from Athens: It's only ever raining on my parade
Susan from Athens: "bored of the city"
Susan from Athens: grey man with angel wings
Susan from Athens: boy crying
Susan from Athens: alien on kiosk
Susan from Athens: yellow girl with watering can
Susan from Athens: Girl with white flag of parley
Susan from Athens: Electrified Skeleton
Susan from Athens: Zoodochou Pigis
Susan from Athens: Stencil graffiti, Rethymno
Susan from Athens: Akadimias Street
Susan from Athens: Back of Chemistry Building Mavromichali Street
Susan from Athens: Bottom of Zoodochou Pigis Street
Susan from Athens: Exarhia - Metaxa street?
Susan from Athens: Bottom of Zoodochou Pigis Street
Susan from Athens: I like this message