surly monkey: late night sunflower
surly monkey: Moon and Planet
surly monkey: Rising moon
surly monkey: prague
surly monkey: night snow
surly monkey: The Point
surly monkey: Cheyenne Mountain Sunset
surly monkey: Firepit
surly monkey: The Church across from Union Park at night
surly monkey: This sign is famous
surly monkey: surlyaugustmoon1
surly monkey: augustmoon3
surly monkey: augustmoon2
surly monkey: augustmoon1
surly monkey: tracks
surly monkey: the moon, the moon, the moon
surly monkey: the moon over cars
surly monkey: standing
surly monkey: car window
surly monkey: indianasunset
surly monkey: finger rock
surly monkey: Pioneer Museum
surly monkey: Planter at night
surly monkey: Uprooted trees
surly monkey: Prickly pear
surly monkey: Night shot
surly monkey: End of the Line
surly monkey: end of the line and wall