SURLYBIKES.COM: Pieplow, Fleck and I walking the streets of Denver
SURLYBIKES.COM: Pieplow finds a comfy tree in the back of Cycle Analyst in Denver
SURLYBIKES.COM: Sting-o-licious Mexican dishes
SURLYBIKES.COM: Pieplow diverting attention away from his freshly skinned knee
SURLYBIKES.COM: Bama's custom red-lettered Instigator
SURLYBIKES.COM: Pieplow and Fleck on singletrack
SURLYBIKES.COM: Fleck looking pro
SURLYBIKES.COM: Fleck and Pieplow again
SURLYBIKES.COM: Taneesha adding to the scenery
SURLYBIKES.COM: EK, Rizzo and Fleck telling fish stories
SURLYBIKES.COM: Pieplow and Fleck at the bottom of Kessle Run
SURLYBIKES.COM: How many Sovs does it take to straighten a chain?
SURLYBIKES.COM: here, let me try
SURLYBIKES.COM: sure you got that?
SURLYBIKES.COM: Proud Bama, thirsty Taneesha
SURLYBIKES.COM: minimoo off 18 Road trails
SURLYBIKES.COM: more 18 Road trail shots
SURLYBIKES.COM: Troy telling us about the time he was a Cat 2 roadie
SURLYBIKES.COM: My lovely new Karate Monkey with Epic Designs frame bag- it easily held 10 beers
SURLYBIKES.COM: yet another trailside beer break
SURLYBIKES.COM: Taneesha and Bama
SURLYBIKES.COM: Pieplow and Bama- looking to spill the blood
SURLYBIKES.COM: "of course I'll have a slice"
SURLYBIKES.COM: Wizard needs pizza, badly
SURLYBIKES.COM: "my wrist top computer says..."
SURLYBIKES.COM: Rizzo's red bus
SURLYBIKES.COM: rough morning- parts 1 and 2
SURLYBIKES.COM: rough morning part 3
SURLYBIKES.COM: rough morning part 4
SURLYBIKES.COM: best bike of the weekend