SURLYBIKES.COM: When in Taiwan, beware of Kao Lyang wine. You'll go from zero to drunk in 5 minutes.
SURLYBIKES.COM: Smells like chicken
SURLYBIKES.COM: Fravor country
SURLYBIKES.COM: naked Big Dummies, awaiting paint
SURLYBIKES.COM: Dave ate the eyeball
SURLYBIKES.COM: We're with Big Dummy
SURLYBIKES.COM: A bucket of real lamb hooves on the floor at our lunch stop
SURLYBIKES.COM: 7-11 sells whole chickens in a box
SURLYBIKES.COM: bad name, bad flavor
SURLYBIKES.COM: koi pond at the tea house
SURLYBIKES.COM: pigs in a truck on the highway
SURLYBIKES.COM: Dave and I actually got to ride
SURLYBIKES.COM: mountainside watershed next to where our complete bikes are assembled
SURLYBIKES.COM: It tastes exactly the same over there
SURLYBIKES.COM: rad old guy riding Beast of the Far East