SURLYBIKES.COM: Chu-Hi and Chewey starting off at the airport bar in Minneapolis
SURLYBIKES.COM: Walking around downtown Reykjavik
SURLYBIKES.COM: Beer, coffee and waffles for breakfast
SURLYBIKES.COM: Walking towards the shipyard in Reykjavik
SURLYBIKES.COM: Internationally understood
SURLYBIKES.COM: conveniently across the street
SURLYBIKES.COM: taxidermy cat, weird
SURLYBIKES.COM: Icelandic cemetery
SURLYBIKES.COM: more walking around Reykjavik
SURLYBIKES.COM: English version of critical mass poster
SURLYBIKES.COM: Icelandic version of critical mass poster
SURLYBIKES.COM: I think they have a fascination with dead things
SURLYBIKES.COM: Chewey with his first of many pints
SURLYBIKES.COM: excellent graffiti/mural
SURLYBIKES.COM: is that you, Beavis?
SURLYBIKES.COM: the mural outside Sirkus Bar
SURLYBIKES.COM: feeling sticky, but much less so
SURLYBIKES.COM: Hurl calls for a time-out
SURLYBIKES.COM: Chu-Hi, 3 hours before our cab ride to the airport
SURLYBIKES.COM: At the airport on 3 hours of sleep, it was Lucazade and coffee to the rescue.
SURLYBIKES.COM: Anybody have a Listerine Strip?
SURLYBIKES.COM: driving on the other side of the road through Scotland
SURLYBIKES.COM: drive-by photo of rural Glasgow
SURLYBIKES.COM: Chu-Hi and Fiona in our backyard in Aviemore. We're finally done traveling!
SURLYBIKES.COM: Chewey is relaximizing