SURLYBIKES.COM: rad 1x1 cruiser at Rage Cycles in Tempe
SURLYBIKES.COM: Our pal Stephanie's old Moots Mootaineer from the late 1980's. Beautiful!
SURLYBIKES.COM: Stephanie and the Mootaineer
SURLYBIKES.COM: Chewey and Hurl with Petunia. We did a lot of this.
SURLYBIKES.COM: Cruising through Tempe
SURLYBIKES.COM: Petunia and Sadie. Ebony and Ivory
SURLYBIKES.COM: Fuzzy, Kirsten and Chewey getting things started in Tucson
SURLYBIKES.COM: Dejay passing another tequila
SURLYBIKES.COM: Vogue, Vogue, let your body move to the music
SURLYBIKES.COM: stack of trouble
SURLYBIKES.COM: "we were supposed to save the tequila for the race tomorrow"
SURLYBIKES.COM: a common sight
SURLYBIKES.COM: Jake and Kirsten, instigators
SURLYBIKES.COM: pre-race breakfast
SURLYBIKES.COM: more of the same
SURLYBIKES.COM: Chewey looking a little rough during the pre-race rollout
SURLYBIKES.COM: "Goat" is riding a fixed Xtracycle, 36/18t !
SURLYBIKES.COM: These harmless cattle always freak me out
SURLYBIKES.COM: Rocks hurt. The scabs lasted 7 weeks
SURLYBIKES.COM: With only 12 miles left, we thought we were almost done
SURLYBIKES.COM: Typical Mt. Lemmon scenery
SURLYBIKES.COM: Hurl bonking
SURLYBIKES.COM: We're totally lost
SURLYBIKES.COM: Finally not lost, the downhills were killer
SURLYBIKES.COM: Chewey is ready to be done
SURLYBIKES.COM: At last, signs of civilization
SURLYBIKES.COM: desert trees
SURLYBIKES.COM: Crazy Dave pulling a PBR out of his hat
SURLYBIKES.COM: "yes, of course I'd like a sip"