Surfingjoe: House at the base of St. James Park
Surfingjoe: Big Ben
Surfingjoe: Big Ben
Surfingjoe: Big Ben
Surfingjoe: A memorial to Lincoln
Surfingjoe: Big Ben
Surfingjoe: St. James Park
Surfingjoe: St. James Park
Surfingjoe: The Eye
Surfingjoe: Tower of London
Surfingjoe: The Two Towers Bridge
Surfingjoe: Along the Thames River
Surfingjoe: Along the Thames River in London
Surfingjoe: Potters Hotel
Surfingjoe: The Ritz
Surfingjoe: DSCF1781
Surfingjoe: Trafalgar Sqare
Surfingjoe: Trafalgar Sqare
Surfingjoe: The Eye
Surfingjoe: DSCF1772
Surfingjoe: DSCF1752
Surfingjoe: Tis me at work while visiting England