suresh_krishna: A young Pa-O girl with her traditional headscarf, Shan state, Myanmar
suresh_krishna: A portrait, Marrakech, Morocco
suresh_krishna: Portrait of a Himba lady, Himba Tribe, Namibia
suresh_krishna: Portrait of a Maasai, Kenya
suresh_krishna: A mother and child, Peru
suresh_krishna: A Highlander of Cusco at Inti Raymi festival, Peru
suresh_krishna: A decorative headgear during the Inti Raymi festival, Peru
suresh_krishna: Innocence - Tequile island, Lake Titicaca, Peru
suresh_krishna: A child in Awanakancha, Peru
suresh_krishna: A winning smile. Namibia
suresh_krishna: Himba expression, Namibia
suresh_krishna: A Himba mother and child, Namibia
suresh_krishna: A young Owahakaona girl, Namibia
suresh_krishna: A young boy at Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, India
suresh_krishna: A gentleman with his hookah, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
suresh_krishna: A Puppeteer in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
suresh_krishna: A portrait, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
suresh_krishna: A folk dancer at Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, India
suresh_krishna: A classical dancer, Siem Reap, Cambodia
suresh_krishna: At the entrance of Ta Som, Siem Reap, Cambodia
suresh_krishna: A Portrait of Innocence, Cambodia
suresh_krishna: Portrait of a temple dancer at Bayon, Siem Reap, Cambodia
suresh_krishna: A Tlingit Indian girl in traditional dress, Alaska
suresh_krishna: A striking profile of a young married Himba lady, Namibia
suresh_krishna: One dollorre, one dollorre ! - A Souvenir Seller, Dubrovnik, Croatia
suresh_krishna: Portrait of a Swiss Horn Blower, Mt.Pilatus near Lucerne, Switzerland
suresh_krishna: A portrait at the sales counter of a silverware shop, Luang Prabang, Laos.
suresh_krishna: Portrait of a horse whisperer, Shamsi valley, Kyrgyzstan