su.reed: East Grinstead - St Swithin
su.reed: Christ healing sick of palsey; Good samaritan - Clayton & Bell
su.reed: Christ healing sick of palsey; Good samaritan - Clayton & Bell
su.reed: Raising of lazarus - Clayton & Bell
su.reed: East Grinstead - St Swithin
su.reed: Edmund; Swithin; Pancreas; Barnabus; Margaret of Scotland; Luke _ Harry Grylis
su.reed: Edmund; Swithin; Pancreas; Barnabus; Margaret of Scotland; Luke _ Harry Grylis
su.reed: St Margaret of Scotland - Harry Grylis
su.reed: St Switihin - Harry Grylis
su.reed: Woodward; Neale; Dean hook; Keble; quarries; Dean Rose - Burlison & Grylis
su.reed: quarries
su.reed: Dean Rose - Burlison & Grylis
su.reed: Woodward; Neale; Dean Hook; Keble; quarries; Dean Rose - Burlison & Grylis
su.reed: IMG_6973id
su.reed: Healing of impotent man; M. Magdelene anoints Jesus' feet - Kempe
su.reed: Kempe signature
su.reed: Winifrid; Theodore; Richard - Harry Grylis
su.reed: Winifred; Theodore; Richard - Harry Grylis
su.reed: IMG_6992id
su.reed: IMG_6993id
su.reed: Transfiguration: Raising lazarus - Clayton & Bell
su.reed: IMG_6999id
su.reed: Raising Lazarus - Clayton & Bell
su.reed: Feeding 5000; Jesus raises widow's son - A.O. Hemming
su.reed: Edmund; Swithin;Pancreas; Barnabus; Margaretof Scotland; Luke - Harry Grylis
su.reed: Christ healing 'sick of palsey'; Good Samaritan - Clayton & Bell
su.reed: Aidan; Cuthman; Augustine - Burilison & Grylis
su.reed: Aidan; Cuthman; Augustine - Burlison & Grylis
su.reed: Hardman - whole window
su.reed: Hardman