su.reed: Ladies smock - the 'arty' cut
su.reed: 'Arty' cut on brimstone
su.reed: lesser celendine - from the grass
su.reed: Lesser celendine
su.reed: Red dead nettle
su.reed: Crocus field 2
su.reed: Red and black
su.reed: Hoverfly Eupeodes cf luniger (female) My thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Backlit frosted oak leaf
su.reed: Ivy - in the morning sun
su.reed: Sheep
su.reed: Rain kissed rose
su.reed: Dandylion clocks in the sun 2
su.reed: Pouting snap dragon!!!
su.reed: Hoverfly Syrphus ribesii (female) in flower. My thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Dandylion clocks in the sun 1
su.reed: Hibiscous stamen
su.reed: Rose
su.reed: Hoverfly 5 ? id
su.reed: Hoverfly 4 - loving the shadow! Eupeodes cf luniger (female) My thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Spainish bluebell
su.reed: Hoverfly Eristalis tenax (female) My thanks to timz501 for id
su.reed: Marmalade fly
su.reed: Really it should clash!!
su.reed: Stars in orange!!!
su.reed: A ring of stars!!!
su.reed: In a world of it's own!!
su.reed: More wow!!!
su.reed: Wow amazing!!!
su.reed: This flower was stunning!!!