yuu,2010: シロツメクサ
yuu,2010: It lives.
yuu,2010: The direction of the wind
yuu,2010: The first sheet
yuu,2010: Taking shelter from rain
yuu,2010: A heart is calm.
yuu,2010: lily
yuu,2010: stick close to..
yuu,2010: One day..
yuu,2010: It stands on tiptoe..
yuu,2010: 海を渡る橋
yuu,2010: hibiscusと水面
yuu,2010: わざわざ重ねなくてもね。。
yuu,2010: 休日の空と洗濯ばさみ
yuu,2010: It overlaps / カサナリアウ
yuu,2010: かなあみごしにミエルなにか
yuu,2010: 旋風
yuu,2010: A duty is finished...
yuu,2010: Windchime
yuu,2010: Poetry of wind
yuu,2010: Japanese iris
yuu,2010: Illumination
yuu,2010: The bed of light
yuu,2010: Rain and cluster amaryllis