Surajit Singha: we are united in our diversity
Surajit Singha: Diversity our strength
Surajit Singha: The only comonality is our diversity
Surajit Singha: Think outside the box; look inside the person
Surajit Singha: Diversity includes everyone. Yes, that means you.
Surajit Singha: Equality and Diversity
Surajit Singha: There are two way to spread lights; to be the candel or the mirror that reflects it.
Surajit Singha: A diverse world united is a world diversely united.
Surajit Singha: You don't do inequality neither do we.
Surajit Singha: Open heart, Open mind, Open Door
Surajit Singha: Unite all that is different. Diversify all that is united.