support team: Hillsboro
support team: bacon dippin
support team: breakfast
support team: good morning mike and ben
support team: Andrew
support team: They didnot have fruit on the menu
support team: spring has apparently arrived in hillsboro
support team: 65 and sunny
support team: set up
support team: there is a pin in my pocket somewhere
support team: the chip
support team: cuttin crew
support team: Mike and Brean
support team: hillsboro lining up
support team: hillsboro lining up 2
support team: Stan in the 3s
support team: Flatlandia friend Ted
support team: IMG_1805
support team: IMG_1806
support team: IMG_1807
support team: IMG_1808
support team: IMG_1809
support team: IMG_1810
support team: IMG_1811
support team: Over 560 racers
support team: IMG_1814
support team: IMG_1815