frieda.: helge, gertrud und tante jutta
frieda.: "..."
frieda.: . l e g s .
frieda.: soso lala self.
frieda.: train toilet selfie.
frieda.: bath. tube. flower. bomb.
frieda.: sunday morning.
frieda.: good morning.
frieda.: pink floyd.
frieda.: what's the story, morning glory
frieda.: so, it's just another self- portrait
frieda.: _________c o k e_________
frieda.: by the way.
frieda.: lonesome nights- popel and me on the fridge
frieda.: me and my bobby mcgee
frieda.: what the fuck?!
frieda.: sleepless - so what shall i do? Make silly things with my camera
frieda.: lonely sad smokin' - self
frieda.: kitchen dance - self
frieda.: libertè toujours - self
frieda.: in the kitchen- self
frieda.: under the ground.