SuperTopher: Pre-rain Smiles
SuperTopher: An Unexpected Rain
SuperTopher: Silly Faces
SuperTopher: Almost having fun...
SuperTopher: So Patient!
SuperTopher: CCS_3566
SuperTopher: Mom! Meatloaf!
SuperTopher: Fly Protection.
SuperTopher: Rain, Rain, Go Away
SuperTopher: Ace in the hole...
SuperTopher: Quit looking at my cards...
SuperTopher: Look in to those eyes...
SuperTopher: Thief!
SuperTopher: I'll bet you are wondering if this went in...
SuperTopher: didn't.
SuperTopher: Teacher and Student
SuperTopher: Nice toss!
SuperTopher: ...and the wrist.
SuperTopher: It's all about the rotation...
SuperTopher: The student becomes the master...
SuperTopher: Caught!
SuperTopher: Waiting...
SuperTopher: Taking a peek...
SuperTopher: Just after it's gone
SuperTopher: Rick, Rick, Rick
SuperTopher: Fade to Orange
SuperTopher: Setting Sun