SuperTopher: Tools of the summer.
SuperTopher: Not in Motion...
SuperTopher: In Motion...
SuperTopher: Find a truck....
SuperTopher: Make a selection...
SuperTopher: Like it's an ear of corn...
SuperTopher: Melting fast...
SuperTopher: The remains of the 'sicle...
SuperTopher: Her Very Best "Joker" impression.
SuperTopher: You're eating it wrong...
SuperTopher: Minty Fresh
SuperTopher: Life Preserver.
SuperTopher: So the hair isn' from my dad's side...
SuperTopher: Uptown...
SuperTopher: Great vantage point...
SuperTopher: What are *you* looking at?
SuperTopher: Downtown...
SuperTopher: Looking North
SuperTopher: Summer in the city
SuperTopher: Standing in the Middle
SuperTopher: Running through
SuperTopher: Raining With No Clouds
SuperTopher: Sprinkler System
SuperTopher: Fountains of fun
SuperTopher: Getting there...
SuperTopher: Splashing around
SuperTopher: Chasing it Down
SuperTopher: Zipping Along
SuperTopher: On 3rd at 3.